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Ready for GMAT?!?!

So, tomorrow morning I will be sitting in front of the computer for almost four hours straight. The difference tomorrow will be that I will actually be frantically trying to solve GMAT problems!! 🙂 I was scared last night when I started seeing symptoms of flu; which should not have been a surprise to me considering that almost every other person that I have met in the last week has been sick. Luckily I was able to skip work today and rest, this rest seems to have really helped me so far, and tomorrow, hopefully, I should be OK. Wish me luck!!! =D

Once the GMAT chapter is over, my goal is to fix the damage that I have done to my body in the last few months by neglecting all exercise and good posture. I don’t know how I let it happen but now is the time for me start before I get in the no-coming-back zone 🙂 Well, at least until I start my MBA in fall. Oh and I have setup Beryl on ArchLinux, and just for kicks I am planning on doing a five-minute video version of the fairly popular Capistrano tutorial (see the articles section). That will be popping up on this website within the next month.